Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Day 58

Hello All!!!
If you are wondering about the large gap between this post and the last post, (day 22), I was in Maine for 3 weeks and had no access to a computer. But now I am back and have many stories to share with you!

This year, instead of spending the entire time staying in our Nana's house, we went and stayed on an island. The island we stayed on is called Peaks island and it is about 20 minuets away from the bay in Portland Maine when you're on a ferry. My Nana kept asking us "have you ever heard the saying that when you sleep on an island you're never the same again?" And we'd always say that we hadn't. I don't know if that's true, but one thing that is true is that when you stay on an island you get the feeling that you never want to leave.

Island Hobbies:
  • Collecting sea glass
  • Playing at the beach for hours
  • Staying up really late playing card games (mostly BS)
  • Eating good food
  • Riding bikes
  • Taking naps
  • Swimming in the ocean
  • Eating LOTS of ice cream

My brother, sister, and I in the ocean that felt warm but that's only because our ocean here on the west coast is sooooooo cold!

After spending a few days alone on the island, we were joined by cousins and friends. It was a little island party! I think everyone had a great time!

After a week on the island, it was time to pack up and head back to the mainland. We were going to spend one more week in Maine.

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